Lost weight comes back. Joy Overstreet, Portland's personal color analyst. ColorStylePDX.com

“Life-changing.” “Profound.” “Transformative!”

I still get letters from people who took the original Thin Within seminars long ago, saying just those words. Recently a graduate managed to track me down on Facebook despite my married name. She now runs The Red Tractor Farm, an inn on Kea, a Greek island (poor dear). Dear Joy — Many years ago […]

Your glasses say a lot about who you think you are. Joy Overstreet, Portland's personal color consultant. ColorstylePDX.com

Choosing glasses: from eyesore to “face jewelry”

Do you hate shopping for new glasses? You’re not alone. Choosing glasses frames is a high-stakes endeavor: they’re expensive and omnipresent. You can easily spend $400+ for a pair with prescription lenses, and they live on your face for at least a couple of years. You have to take so much into consideration: Intention – […]

Maya Rudolph should not wear prints like these. Joy Overstreet, Portland's personal color consultant. ColorStylePDX.com

Natural Beauty vs. the Red Carpet

I’m fascinated by some of the outfits celebrities wear for their moment in the spotlight. Most look ok, but some… OMG what were they thinking??? Is it Stylist’s Revenge? At this year’s Oscars Maya Rudolph (who is an incredibly talented actress and comedian) looked like she grabbed her grandmother’s bedroom curtains. I suspect she’s an […]

Does what you wear shape your behavior?

How we feel about how we look and what we’re wearing can shape our behavior in surprising ways. You will probably recognize yourself in the first two scenarios but be surprised by the third one. Scenario #1. You wake up and look in the mirror. It’s not pretty. You not only have bed-head, you also […]

Have I taken shoe paint too far?

If I could paint shoes, what about glasses frames—they’re acrylic, right? I had a neglected pair of glasses that would look much better on me if they were silver. If the paint job was a disaster, my only real loss would be some fussing time. Anyway, what could go wrong?

When color consultants collide

The other day I ran out of coffee and decided to try Nossa Familia, the espresso shop around the corner from my condo. I was the only customer at that moment, and since I was a newcomer to the shop the friendly barista asked me a few get-acquainted questions while assembling my coffee, including “what […]

If our clothes could speak…

“Know when to hold ’em; know when to fold ’em…” Kenny Rogers was singing about a poker game. I’m singing (ok, writing) about old clothes. The weather has changed and winter is on the way. This means it’s time to for my fall ritual, wherein I fold my summer clothes (the ones I still love […]

Make them look at your eyes. Custom personal color palettes by Joy Overstreet, ColorStylePDX.com

What should I wear to my job interview?

Make them look in your eyes! What you wear for your job interview depends on what you’re interviewing for, so only you know whether it should be a power suit or jeans. Whatever you wear, make sure it’s clean, appropriate and fits well. For the purpose of this post, however, let’s assume you’re seeking a […]

Fabulous shoes at Paris Fashion Week. Joy Overstreet, Portland's Personal Color Analyst, ColorStylePDX.com

What shoes should I wear?

Where to look: Face or Feet? Your custom color palette helps you choose clothes that will draw positive attention to your face, making you seem as attractive, authentic and credible as possible. Shoes are as far from your face as you can get. Why so much focus on the face? Because we unconsciously seek clues about who we’re dealing with by looking at a […]