Joy Overstreet, Portland's personal color analyst,

Packing for six weeks in a carry-on bag

Moment of Truth: capsule wardrobe? I HATE packing for long trips. I own one suitcase, a carry-on, into which I must cram six weeks worth of clothing plus “gubbins.”  (Gubbins = lotions, potions, makeup, cords & chargers, COVID test kits, masks and remedies, etc.). The backpack is for my laptop, notebook & airplane amusements. Whine whine whine (First […]

The Cherry Pie Paradox: The Surprising Path to Diet Freedom and Lasting Weight Loss, by Joy Imboden Overstreet MPH, creator of the original Thin Within workshops in 1975

I have a new website – about my BOOK!

The Cherry Pie Paradox: The Surprising Path to Diet Freedom and Lasting Weight Loss is sequential process of awareness exercises that puts the reader in the role of curious scientist, seeking to discover and dismantle the counter-productive thoughts, beliefs, habits, and behaviors that have kept them stuck in the yo-yo syndrome. It’s based on Thin Within–the revolutionary anti-diet workshop program I created in 1975 to heal myself forever of a food and diet obsession. During the 1970s it became the leading weight loss program in the San Francisco Bay Area, and aspects of it have been adapted and adopted ever since.