Before-After Photo Shoot at Nordstrom: Karla

Karla: a “Dusk Summer” Karla is the sixth client we (personal stylist Margo Passadore and I) took to Nordstrom in downtown Portland for a “Before and After” photo shoot. She is a marketing manager at a large hospital system in Portland, and also a gardener, runner and cook. She’ll do her 10th Hood-to-Coast race this year. As a professional woman […]

“Why does my ‘Season’ matter if I know my best colors?”

This is a great question! If you already know that you look good in cool blues and greens, or in browns and rusts, who cares if you’re a Summer or an Autumn, Winter or Spring? The not-so-short answer to a complex matter: A palette of the most flattering hues for an individual, not only makes […]

Become a color consultant in just 5 steps

Do you love seeing a bud open and blossom? a butterfly emerge from the chrysalis? a friend’s authentic beauty emerge…? Then maybe you’d like to be a ColorStyle analyst. It doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s not cheap. But here’s how you do it: 1. Be a total color nut. 2. Take an intensive training in color theory, personal design and […]

An optician who does personal color analysis? Shopping for glasses in France

You never know what you’ll find when you look for glasses in France. The first time I bought a pair of French frames (in 2012) was accidental, found while waiting for a friend to get her glasses adjusted. Even though they’re tortoise shell (good pattern and color for Autumn types – but I’m a Summer), I […]

Stop dressing like crap!

I am not alone in being appalled by how people dress to go to the theatre. Elisabeth Vincentelli at the NY Post feels even more strongly than I do. When I ushered for a Broadway show at Portland’s largest auditorium I watched a stream of people pass, and 80% of them were dressed as if they […]

How small can a capsule wardrobe go?

I’m all for having a relatively small collection of clothes for each season that can be mixed and matched so your look is varied. The “Capsule Wardrobe” of just 33 pieces is the current iteration of this minimalist approach to dressing. But many of these capsule wardrobes are so BORING, like this one on the […]

Seven Reasons to Get a ColorStyle Consultation

If you want to look your very best, getting a ColorStyle personal color palette is the perfect place to start. If you need an excuse to get your colors done or updated, here are seven valid reasons to do it: Your job. You’re looking for one, just started a new one, seek a promotion, or want to […]