“Why does my ‘Season’ matter if I know my best colors?”

This is a great question! If you already know that you look good in cool blues and greens, or in browns and rusts, who cares if you’re a Summer or an Autumn, Winter or Spring? The not-so-short answer to a complex matter: A palette of the most flattering hues for an individual, not only makes […]

Before-After Nordstrom Photo Shoot: Heather

Today we feature the fourth “Before and After Gal” personal stylist Margo Passadore and I took to Nordstrom in downtown Portland for a photo shoot (overview here). She’s a Dusk Summer who recently lost 45 pounds and was ready for a wardrobe refresh. Here’s her story: Heather is a busy Portland-based graphic designer.  She’s 5’7″ with a body shape […]

Packing a suitcase for two weeks in France

When a travel pro packs for holiday Personal stylist Margo Passadore travels a lot, sometimes for just a few days and sometimes for two to four weeks. This summer she and her family will spend a couple of weeks in the Loire Valley of France, where it will probably be quite warm and where she really doesn’t […]

Before-After Nordstrom Photo Shoot: Sally

Personal stylist Margo Passadore and I took 8 women of various ages, shapes and color harmonies to Nordstrom in downtown Portland for a “Before and After” photo shoot (overview here). Here’s our second client’s story. Sally is a fun-loving gal who favors classic and romantic stylings in her clothes. She is triangle-shaped, with a small bust and […]

Before-After Nordstrom Photo Shoot: Kate

Personal stylist Margo Passadore and I took 8 women of various ages, shapes and color harmonies to Nordstrom in downtown Portland for a “Before and After” photo shoot (overview here). Here’s our first client’s story: About Kate, a vivacious Patrician Winter Kate’s lifestyle is both sporty (yoga, hiking, etc) and dressy (she’s a professional musician). The Patrician […]

Going Gray? The pros and cons

As a personal color analyst, I’ve had many clients come to me in despair because they can no longer figure out what colors look good on them. As their natural coloring fades or changes with age and UV exposure, they turn to hair color — and suddenly something is off. It’s because the hair shade is not […]

Become a color consultant in just 5 steps

Do you love seeing a bud open and blossom? a butterfly emerge from the chrysalis? a friend’s authentic beauty emerge…? Then maybe you’d like to be a ColorStyle analyst. It doesn’t happen overnight, and it’s not cheap. But here’s how you do it: 1. Be a total color nut. 2. Take an intensive training in color theory, personal design and […]

Color consultant consults an image consultant

Yesterday, fellow Portland image consultant, Margo Passadore, came over to help me attack my closet.  I am already very good at clearing other people’s closets – helping my clients understand why certain garments are flattering, which are not, and why and how to put them together. Just last week I helped a client create this mountain of […]

Going Gray Gracefully…or not

Age happens. And hair turns gray. You have 100,000 tiny hair follicles in your scalp, each with a little pot of melanin at its base to provide color. Your genes determine when and in what pattern those follicles will quit producing color. Don’t bother trying to pull new gray hairs in the hopes dark ones […]

Stumbling on Paris Fashion Week

I spent several days in Paris last week, intending to absorb some art, admire the architecture, savor the food, soak up the vibe, and gawk at the street scene. Perhaps I could even pick up a few style tips from those nonchalantly chic French women. Trying to cross the Place de la Concorde (around a lot of annoying […]